Sometimes having an uncommon name is really fun like when you're in a really crowded restaurant that calls names for people to come pick up food and there's a ton of Sarahs and Ashleys and such and then there's like 4 people with the same name. But sometimes having an uncommon name sucks like when you want one of those mugs with your name on it and there are NEVER any with uncommon names. I for one have never ever found a mug, magnet, shot glass, or anything with Emory on it.
So I have a funny story to go with that mini rant. Today I went to Gatlinburg, TN (which is like 45 minutes from my house) with my friend, her dad, her brother, and his friend and while she and I were shopping around we found this place that had these baby fire places that had tiny stockings one could buy that had names and mom and dad and stuff like that on them. So my friend and I were looking at the tiny stockings, because she has made it her mission to find something that comes with Emory on it, and she found one that was blank and one that said "didn't have your name" and we about wet ourselves laughing.
Friday, December 27, 2013
Having an Uncommon Name
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Saving Mr. Banks Review
So this evening I went and saw Saving Mr. Banks with my family and I was super pleased with it. I thought it was very well done and written and the acting was fabulous. Tom Hanks was a very good Walt Disney, based on what I know and have heard about him from people who actually knew Disney. The whole movie was amazing. I love Mary Poppins sooooo much and I was very excited to see what all they went through to make the movie. I highly recommend seeing Saving Mr. Banks to well everyone.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
I love Christmas! Every year my family and I watch "A Christmas Story" on tbs pretty much all day. We love that movie. Well this year I racked up on chocolate and one of them just so happened to be hunger games chocolate :D district 12! Mined salt and milk chocolate im super happy. I hope everyone that celebrates it has a fabulous Christmas! Happy holidays!
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Disney Memes and Face Swaps
me studying for finals
me after finals
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Why Disney Animals Are Awesome
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Reasons I Love Marine Animals

2. Some of them look like aliens.

3. Most whales are entertaining and really adorable.

4. NARWHALS!!!!!

5. Penguins and Polar bears!!! (even though polar bears aren't exactly marine animals)